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    PD silicagel

    [ Products Description ] 

    Silica gel is widely used in industrial gas and liquid dehydration dehydration, and instrumentation drying, but also as a catalyst or catalyst carrier.


    [ Technical Indexess ]
    Item Target
    Excellent First grade Qualified
    size ratio up to grade Agreement
    Bulk density Agreement
    Absorption of steam to 25°C RH=20% ≥10.5 ≥10.0 ≥8.0
    RH=50% ≥23.0 ≥22.0 ≥20.0
    RH=90% ≥24.0 ≥32.0 ≥30.0
    Sphere grain ratio up to grade% ≥82 / /
    Heating loss % ≤2.0 ≤4.0 ≤6.0
    PH 4-8
    Ω.cm Electric resistance ≥3000
    SiO2 % ≥98
    Add: Xiangdong Ceramic Industrial Park, Pingxiang City, Jiangxi Province  Chairman: Xv Huaisheng +86-13907993138 General manager:Zhang Mingli +86-13907999263
    Tel: +86-799-3411918  Fax: +86-799-3412668  E-mail: pcp@sino-packing.com  P.C.: 337022  
    Pingxiang Petrochemical Packing Co., Ltd. Copyright(C)2015 Supported by?ChemNet?ChinaChemNet?Toocle

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